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Borehole drilling

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The group of companies carries out works on “turnkey” artesian water supply.

These works can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Borehole projecting

    1. Development of the working project of the well

    2. Coordination of the project in permitting bodies (Pivnichgeologiya, Ekologiya, Sanitary-Epidemiological Inspection Service) and receipt of "Drilling Permits"

  2. Borehole drilling

    1. Drilling of industrial boreholes with simplified design

    2. Drilling of industrial high-flow-rate boreholes

    3. Borehole drilling for the private sector

    4. Borehole drilling for drawdown

    5. Borehole drilling for thermal pumps

    6. Drilling of boreholes with "non-standard design"

  3. Assembly of water-lifting equipment

  4. Borehole completion (construction of pump stations)

    1. Underground pavilion

    2. Semiburied pavilion

    3. Surface pavilion

    4. Heat chamber

  5. Water-supply line laying

  6. Plugging-back of boreholes

  7. Repair of boreholes, reconstruction

That does mean the poured out mining hole?


The poured out mining hole is a mining hole from which water or oil is outpoured on a surface without deflation pumps. A liquid rises to the surface due to hydrostatical pressure.

Borehole archive

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