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The history of development of the Group of Companies "Burvod"

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Well drilling and the Water Supply Company "Burvod"


The company «Burvod» was established in 1937, and for the time of its activities changed the patterns of ownership, name and structure, saving the accumulated experience and qualifications.

1937-1957 All-union Company «Burvod»

rozrizThe first wells of All-union Company «Burvod» were drilled in 1937. The company «Burvod» was and still is one of the most experienced companies in Ukraine with regard to drilling of water supply wells.

The archive of drilled wells in Ukraine consists of three parts: Central, Western and Southern archives and is kept from 1937.

1957-1998 Group of Companies «Ukrburvod»

Republican Specialized Group of Companies "Ukrburvod" was established as a structure of the Ministry of Assemble and Special Construction Works of USSR. In the days of Soviet Union, Group of Companies «Ukrburvod» was a leading enterprise, which carried out works, related to drilling of artesian wells for big industrial objects, water supply to cities and settlements, as well as the development and introduction of new methods of drilling.

In order to resolve important problems of water supply, it was necessary to drill wells with maximum productivity. For this purpose the experts of the company introduced the method of "reverse circulation drilling". This method allows to avoid mudding of aquiferous horizon, and as a result to obtain open flow production potential from this horizon. The company also introduced the method of well drilling with under-reaming.

In 1986, after the tragedy on Chernobylska NPS, the company participated in disaster recovery works on NPS.

In addition, the accident resulted in environmental pollution. The provision of the population of Kyiv city and Kyiv oblast with ecologically pure water became a key problem. The resolution of this task was entrusted to Group of Companies “Ukrburvod”.

gramotaFor high quality of works, the shortest terms of their implementation and devotion, displayed by the staff in the course of works, the company was awarded the Honorary Certificate of the Presidium of Supreme Soviet of USSR “For active participation in disaster recovery works on Chernobylska NPS”.

Among the Customers of the company are local authorities, water and wastewater treatment plants, industrial organizations and other structures that require qualified drilling.

2002-2008 OJSC “Ukrburvod”

thumb_P1050663In 2002 the company changed the form of ownership: the company shares were bought from the State.

Transition of the country to the market relations forced the company to look for its place on the market. The approaches, traditional for the company, ran out of steam. A good well became an  insufficient result for the customers, they were interested in "ready-to-operate water".

That’s why in addition to introduction of a modern system of management, the company decided to develop new directions, which help to expand the range of services, offered by the drilling company, namely: well engineering, assembly of water-lifting equipment, construction of water supply networks etc.

As every direction was developed, it became obvious that subdivisions grew into independent organizations.

As a result, Group of Companies “Burvod” was established, which includes four basic companies.

2008- ...  Group of water supply companies “Burvod”

Nowadays the resolution of all of tasks, related to "turnkey" artesian water supply, is ensured by the group of companies “Burvod”, which includes four companies:

  1. OJSC “Ukrburvodproekt” specializes on planning and engineering of wells and water intake structures, as well as approval of projects in governmental permitting bodies.
  2. OJSC “Water Supply Company “Burvod” specializes on drilling deep and high-flow-rate wells (up to 2000m), as well as industrial well of any design.
  3. OJSC “Ukrbudvod-servis” specializes on drilling wells for the private sector and drilling for heat pumps. The maintenance base is optimized for rapid and qualified drilling of wells with depth up to 100 m and capacity up to 7 m3/hour.
  4. Kyiv Construction Administration of “Heat Supply Networks» specializes on laying engineering networks of any complexity. (Tel. +38 044 503-66-46, 49)

Nowadays the company carries out all works, related to artesian water supply: from drilling small wells for a country house to engineering and drilling wells of any depth and design all over the territory of Ukraine.


What is "evaporation"?


Evaporation  or vaporization  consists in tearing away of molecules of water from the surface of water or moist soil under the action of solar radiation and transition of them in a gaseity.

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